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Wednesday, 20 January 2016

See password from dots

By: | | Last Updated:

facebook password
Facebook, Almost everyone using today, the fastest developing social network site there is no doubt about that. We are seeing many Facebook hacking websites which are unreal and not working.Only thing that works is following  one  which we are going to show you in this post itself.
Before going to steps to find, why we are posting this here? Right question 
Coming to the point, there is no hacking software or hacking site or blah blah ……  Which we are facing in our daily internet usage the only thing that works is which we are posting here Even it is not a hack just using html codes converting dots into text ,this is applicable for any type of accounts not only Facebook.You can only do it ,When your username and  passwords are saved in browser, you have seen when we place the cursor on username appear some list of names if you select any of them definitely see dots in the password box  when we apply this trick your password behind the dots will be seen.

How do they do it

1. Just select all dots and right click on it you will see a small window like below image
2. Click on Inspect element
3. At the bottom page, we will see boxes with many codes highlighting an html line as shown in below image
4.  In that line the code like <intput text=”password
5 Just replace the password with word “text
Thats it you find a password

How to avoid this trick to get rid of knowing password

Following are the things to do to avoid this (seriously do these steps when you are using other computers especially in net cafes)
1 Make sure that there is any software running background in computer
2  If they’re, close it down and do check  once again
3 Delete complete browsing history along with saved passwords, cookies, cache
4 Now check above method is possible or not before leaving the PC

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