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Monday, 20 June 2016

Create an Awesome Underwater Scene Depicting a Dragon and a Treasure Hunter In Photoshop

Hello Editors Hub Readers 

In this tutorial we will create an awesome
underwater photo manipulation. I’ll
explain some of the more complex
techniques I use in the first steps to make
it easy for beginners but intermediate
and advanced users can also learn a
thing or two.
I like doing underwater scenes because
there is something mysterious about the
depths of the oceans where all kind of
strange creatures live but also because I
like putting menacing creatures and

curious humans together in a scene.

    ••  Final Result -

Step 1
Open the file “Underwater”. This will be the
base of our scene.

Step 2
Open the file “Cathedral”. Copy all by
pressing Ctrl + A and Ctrl + C. Go back to
our scene and paste with Ctrl + V.
Transform this layer into a Smart Object
by right clicking on it in the layer Palette
and choosing Convert To Smart Object
from the drop down menu. Press Ctrl + T
to enter Free Transform and position the
cathedral as shown below. Hold the Shift
key while dragging the corners when in
Free Transform to resize proportionally.
By converting a layer into Smart Object
we can resize the layer without actual loss
of pixel information. We can also apply
various filters which we can edit at a
later time.

Step 3
Don’t forget to properly name your layers
– organization is key when working with
lots of layers.
Change the blending mode of the
Cathedral layer to Soft Light and lower
the opacity to 43%. As you can see this
makes the cathedral blend nicely with the

Step 4
We will use layers masks a lot in this
tutorial so a short explanation is in order.
First you can create layer masks by going
to Layer > New Layer Mask > Reveal All.
Second – layer masks allow us to partially
or completely hide a section of the layer
without deleting the actual pixels of that
layer – we are merely “masking” the
layer. By painting with a black brush in a
layer mask we will hide the painted area.
If the brush is at various opacities
(smaller than 100%) than we will
partially hide that section and achieve a
transparency effect that is very good for
blending various objects in a scene. White
color reveals a section of the layer – so
for example if we fill the layer mask with
black (Shift + F5) we will completely hide
the layer. Painting with a white brush at
various opacities will partially or
completely reveal the painted section.
Third – make sure to click on the layer
mask thumbnail (which is to the right of
the layer thumbnail in the layer palette)
before painting with black or white.
Otherwise you’ll end up painting over the
actual layer which is not something that
you may want.
So in this step create a layer mask (you
already know how, right?). Fill it with
black and select the Brush Tool (B). Select
the standard round soft brush and set
the opacity to 50%. Paint in the layer
mask over the center section of the
cathedral to partially reveal it. As you go
further from the center lower the opacity
to 20-30% to fade it into the

Step 5
Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt +
N) and with the standard round soft
brush at 5% Opacity and 500px size paint
over the upper section of our scene to
darken it.

Final Results

•• If You Like Our Work Please Dont Forget To Share Us :)

Source:- See Full Post Here

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