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Sunday 22 May 2016

How to Make Money With the Amazon Affiliate Program

By: | In: | Last Updated:

While there are plenty of affiliate programs out there with higher commissions than Amazon, the Amazon Affiliate program remains one of the best programs out there for bloggers. Amazon is already a trusted brand that consumers recognize and it’s easy to integrate with your site. While it’s not perfect for every blog, Amazon sells almost everything and it can be an effective way to monetize your blog. Here are some tips for success.
Stay Relevant
Make sure the Amazon products you promote are relevant to your audience and your blog. Amazon won’t work for every niche so don’t try to force it. If you have a travel blog, you can recommend top-rated luggage or must-have travel items. If you have a mommy blog, try recommending your favorite baby toys, gear, or mommy must-haves. You can track which products have the best conversion rate.
Get People to Click the Link
Virtually everyone is familiar with Amazon and trusts the brand. Amazon is already great at converting people as well. With the Amazon affiliate program, focus on getting people to Amazon as a good number will end up buying something. You will still earn your commission if they buy anything within 24 hours, even if it’s not the item you linked them to.
Make a Bestseller List
Tap into the crowd mentality. People are more likely to buy something if it’s what everyone else is doing. Try compiling a list of best-selling items in your niche. You can even link to reviews of the product you’ve done on your blog. Drive traffic to the list by promoting it in other posts and on social media.
Be Genuine
Don’t give in to temptation and only discuss a product’s positive features. Your readers want a genuine review and honesty. Giving an unbiased opinion and discussing any negative features of a product will actually promote more sales.
Promote Discounts
Amazon almost always lists a discount off retail price, but sometimes there are other promotions on specific products or entire categories. Make sure you watch for special promotions and promote them on your blog.
Link Images
Make sure you link images of products to Amazon with your affiliate link. People are drawn to images and, while you won’t get conversion rates as high as text links, they can still convert some readers.
Add Several Links
Finally, it pays to add several affiliate links to your post, especially if it’s long. Make sure you add a link near the top of the article above the fold and especially at the end of your review, as this final link will likely result in more conversions. People who click the link at the end of the post are more likely to buy the recommended product, but people who click on your link at the top are likely doing it to learn more themselves and they may buy other products once they’re on Amazon.

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