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Sunday 22 May 2016

Updating your SEO Blogging Knowledge for 2016

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blogging 2016It is always important several times throughout the year that you do a review and analysis of your site to make sure that it is up-to-date with the latest SEO methods. When you are doing these reviews that allows you to quickly identify what is going wrong and what you are doing that is right. You always have to keep up with the latest updates that are released by Google and the other major search engines as to the changes that they are making with their algorithms.
As we have talked about before, making sure that your site is SEO compatible with mobile use is critically important. Many more people are using their various mobile devices now for search and you have to keep up with the times. Keep in mind that Google made an announcement that mobile devices were their main source of search traffic this means that Google is going to put much more credence on sites that are optimized for the mobile devices.
What you may not have taken a look at in the past because of too many other pressing priorities is that the Schema Markup. This is a computer markup language that you can utilize on your website a so that it highlights important information that the search engines will be able to find quickly and pass it on to their users. There is no doubt that the search engines want to see this. Your Schema Markup will include  things such as driving directions or phone numbers or hours of operations, for example. And this also includes reviews. You have to make it really easy for the search engines to be able to a display your business information.
While you may feel that email marketing that includes SEO is becoming mundane because people are sick of the spam that they’re getting, don’t discount it as being important. The personalized promotional emails are still functioning very well and have a higher unique opening rate plus a higher click through rate then those emails that are done with no personalization.
While you probably have the basics of SEO for your site and its main purpose is being to drive traffic you also have to unlearn to incorporate your call to actions within your content as well as balance it evenly with your SEO.
While the foundation for SEO still remains in effect you must make sure that you stay up with the changing times. Any time that Google is making a change to their algorithm it creates a ripple of fear throughout the Internet. Businesses worry as to how this is going to affect their ranking.
There was a lot of anticipation that Google would be coming out with a new Panda or Penguin update in January 2016. It doesn’t look like this took place but what did come out was a core ranking algorithm update. This did have some effect in the search metrics. The whole concept with your SEO marketing is to make sure that you keep yourself in tune as to what is taking place.

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